Title: Baldwin Library Collaboration
School: District-wide
Teacher: Sarah Smith
Amount: $1,091
A collection of art from both Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills students was displayed on canvases at the Baldwin Library in downtown Birmingham.
School: District-wide
Teacher: Sarah Smith
Amount: $1,091
A collection of art from both Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills students was displayed on canvases at the Baldwin Library in downtown Birmingham.
Title: BPS 5th Grade Physical Education Run
School: All Elementary Schools District-wide
Teacher: Derek DiGiovanni
Amount: $750
Provided students an opportunity to demonstrate the goals that they worked on in Physical Education class and outside of class to compete in a mile run event.
School: All Elementary Schools District-wide
Teacher: Derek DiGiovanni
Amount: $750
Provided students an opportunity to demonstrate the goals that they worked on in Physical Education class and outside of class to compete in a mile run event.
Title: DECA Leadership and Career Readiness Development Project
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman, Haley Radin, Rob Yusko
Amount: $2,500
Provided opportunity for high school students to participate in career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Students competed to advance to the state and, ultimately, international-level competition.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman, Haley Radin, Rob Yusko
Amount: $2,500
Provided opportunity for high school students to participate in career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Students competed to advance to the state and, ultimately, international-level competition.
Title: DSO Sectionals
School: Groves High School
Teacher: Paul Shawver
Amount: $3,000
Five musicians from world-famous Detroit Symphony Orchestra visited Groves High School to work with students from various sections of the concert and symphony orchestras.
School: Groves High School
Teacher: Paul Shawver
Amount: $3,000
Five musicians from world-famous Detroit Symphony Orchestra visited Groves High School to work with students from various sections of the concert and symphony orchestras.
Title: FIRST Robotics STEM
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Bernie Simms
Amount: $5,000
Provided high school students an opportunity to use their STEM skills to design, build, and operate a robot to participate in local, regional and world FIRST Robotics competitions.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Bernie Simms
Amount: $5,000
Provided high school students an opportunity to use their STEM skills to design, build, and operate a robot to participate in local, regional and world FIRST Robotics competitions.
Title: Groves and Seaholm Book Clubs
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Ann Truesdell
Amount: $700
Student-run reading group open to all interested high school students.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Ann Truesdell
Amount: $700
Student-run reading group open to all interested high school students.
Title: FTC Robotics
School: Berkshire Middle School
Teacher: Phillip Goeman
Amount: $2,000
Provided middle school students an opportunity to participate in the FTC Robotics program where they researched, designed, built, tested, and fundraised for their robot to be competition ready.
School: Berkshire Middle School
Teacher: Phillip Goeman
Amount: $2,000
Provided middle school students an opportunity to participate in the FTC Robotics program where they researched, designed, built, tested, and fundraised for their robot to be competition ready.
Title: Merge Cubes
School: Greenfield Elementary
Teacher: Sherri Levitt, Ann Lewellyn, Lisa Arnold
Amount: $995
The Merge Cube is a small cube that can be used with an iPad to view 3D models. This cube helped students study a variety of curricular areas, such as anatomy and the solar system.
School: Greenfield Elementary
Teacher: Sherri Levitt, Ann Lewellyn, Lisa Arnold
Amount: $995
The Merge Cube is a small cube that can be used with an iPad to view 3D models. This cube helped students study a variety of curricular areas, such as anatomy and the solar system.
Title: Visiting Cartoon Artist
School: Elementary and Middle Schools District-wide
Teacher: Sarah Smith
Amount: $8,500
A professional artist gave a drawing presentation to all elementary and middle school students where they drew along with the artist and learned how art is used in a career field.
School: Elementary and Middle Schools District-wide
Teacher: Sarah Smith
Amount: $8,500
A professional artist gave a drawing presentation to all elementary and middle school students where they drew along with the artist and learned how art is used in a career field.
Title: Seaholm Band Instrumental Clinicians for 2023 Festival Season
School: Seaholm High School
Teacher: Tim Cibor
Amount: $4,000
Professional musicians from the Metro-Detroit Area visited the Seaholm Band to help them prepare for their upcoming MSBOA festival and concerts.
School: Seaholm High School
Teacher: Tim Cibor
Amount: $4,000
Professional musicians from the Metro-Detroit Area visited the Seaholm Band to help them prepare for their upcoming MSBOA festival and concerts.
Title: Strengthening Multilingual Identities through Increased Access to Multilingual Texts
School: West Maple Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Covington (elementary students)
Teacher: Rebecca Gilbert, Carrie Betts, Ann Truesdell
Amount: $400
Provides students and their families 24-hour access to e-books available in 20+ languages to guarantee that multilingual texts are easily accessible.
School: West Maple Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Covington (elementary students)
Teacher: Rebecca Gilbert, Carrie Betts, Ann Truesdell
Amount: $400
Provides students and their families 24-hour access to e-books available in 20+ languages to guarantee that multilingual texts are easily accessible.
Title: 5th Grade Cranbrook Field Trip
School: Elementary Schools District-wide
Teacher: All 5th Grade Teachers
Amount: $3,534
Supported the longstanding tradition of elementary school students attending the Cranbrook Museum to inspire a love for science and build authentic connections between the classroom and real world.
School: Elementary Schools District-wide
Teacher: All 5th Grade Teachers
Amount: $3,534
Supported the longstanding tradition of elementary school students attending the Cranbrook Museum to inspire a love for science and build authentic connections between the classroom and real world.
Title: IA Therapy Dog
School: International Academy
Teacher: Catherine Hennessy, Megan Mitchell
Amount: $3,000
Contributed to funding of a therapy dog to enhance social skills, prevent social isolation, and alleviate stress and anxiety.
School: International Academy
Teacher: Catherine Hennessy, Megan Mitchell
Amount: $3,000
Contributed to funding of a therapy dog to enhance social skills, prevent social isolation, and alleviate stress and anxiety.
Title: Lincoln Street Alternative E-sports Gaming/CAD Computers
School: Lincoln Street Alternative
Teacher: Dave Brooks
Amount: $7,268
Provided gaming/CAD computers which support e-sports competitions, as well as engineering/robotics
School: Lincoln Street Alternative
Teacher: Dave Brooks
Amount: $7,268
Provided gaming/CAD computers which support e-sports competitions, as well as engineering/robotics
Title: Author Visits
School: K-5 District-wide
Teacher: All Elementary Teachers
Amount: $10,000
Author Angela Dominguez visited schools to inspire students to pursue their own dreams and ignite a love for reading and writing.
School: K-5 District-wide
Teacher: All Elementary Teachers
Amount: $10,000
Author Angela Dominguez visited schools to inspire students to pursue their own dreams and ignite a love for reading and writing.
Title: DECA State Leadership and Career Readiness Development Project
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman, Haley Radin, Rob Yusko
Total Amount: $3,600
Provided opportunity for high school students to participate in district level career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Students competed to advance to state level and, ultimately, international level competition.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman, Haley Radin, Rob Yusko
Total Amount: $3,600
Provided opportunity for high school students to participate in district level career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Students competed to advance to state level and, ultimately, international level competition.
Title: One School, One Book
School: Bingham Farms, Greenfield, Harlan, Pembroke, West Maple Elementary Schools
Teacher: Carrie Betts, Julie Green, Kimberly McManaman, Lindsay Stone, Terry-Ann Whitfield
Amount: $10,400
Provided every student and staff member a copy of Stella Diaz Has Something to Say during March is Reading Month. Students engaged in a meaningful book and participated in a reading and learning experience that enriched the school wide community.
School: Bingham Farms, Greenfield, Harlan, Pembroke, West Maple Elementary Schools
Teacher: Carrie Betts, Julie Green, Kimberly McManaman, Lindsay Stone, Terry-Ann Whitfield
Amount: $10,400
Provided every student and staff member a copy of Stella Diaz Has Something to Say during March is Reading Month. Students engaged in a meaningful book and participated in a reading and learning experience that enriched the school wide community.
Title: The Sensory Path
School: Harlan Elementary School
Teacher: Lynne Keller, Kellie Bahri, Dayna Stone
Amount: $605
Funded the installation of a series of guided movements for students to follow that enhances their overall sense of cognition, focus, confidence, and independence in the classroom, as well as promoting teamwork and engaging gross motor skills.
School: Harlan Elementary School
Teacher: Lynne Keller, Kellie Bahri, Dayna Stone
Amount: $605
Funded the installation of a series of guided movements for students to follow that enhances their overall sense of cognition, focus, confidence, and independence in the classroom, as well as promoting teamwork and engaging gross motor skills.
Title: 7th Grade Science Trip to Henry Ford
School: Berkshire Middle School
Teacher: Denisse Jolokai, Diane Guzman
Amount: $1,000
Provided 7th grade students with experiential learning opportunity to see their science and social studies curriculums come alive.
School: Berkshire Middle School
Teacher: Denisse Jolokai, Diane Guzman
Amount: $1,000
Provided 7th grade students with experiential learning opportunity to see their science and social studies curriculums come alive.
Title: Spanish Culture Through Use of Books
School: K-5 District Wide
Teacher: All Elementary Teachers
Amount: $1,636
The new books helped the Spanish teachers incorporate more Hispanic culture into their curriculums and broadened the students perspectives of different lifestyles.
School: K-5 District Wide
Teacher: All Elementary Teachers
Amount: $1,636
The new books helped the Spanish teachers incorporate more Hispanic culture into their curriculums and broadened the students perspectives of different lifestyles.
Title: Greenfield STEAM Night
School: Greenfield Elementary School
Teacher: Cindy Sowle
Amount: $500
Cranbrook Institute of Science brought 20 hands on learning stations to allow children to experience science in new and exciting ways.
School: Greenfield Elementary School
Teacher: Cindy Sowle
Amount: $500
Cranbrook Institute of Science brought 20 hands on learning stations to allow children to experience science in new and exciting ways.
Title: Investment Casting
School: Groves High School
Teacher: Anthony Fink
Amount: $1,574.14
Expanded students knowledge of artistic processes by providing the machine necessary for casting metals to make complex objects such as rings and pendants.
School: Groves High School
Teacher: Anthony Fink
Amount: $1,574.14
Expanded students knowledge of artistic processes by providing the machine necessary for casting metals to make complex objects such as rings and pendants.
Title: Harlan STEAM Night
School: Harlan Elementary School
Teacher: Kellie Bahri
Amount: $500
Middle and high school students from across the district went to Harlan Elementary to share their love for STEAM and increase the Harlan students' understanding of science through hands on learning stations.
School: Harlan Elementary School
Teacher: Kellie Bahri
Amount: $500
Middle and high school students from across the district went to Harlan Elementary to share their love for STEAM and increase the Harlan students' understanding of science through hands on learning stations.
Title: District-wide Art Show
School: Sarah Smith
Teacher: K-12 Students district-wide
Amount: $105
Enhanced the district-wide art show with funding for certificates, art supplies, and decorations.
School: Sarah Smith
Teacher: K-12 Students district-wide
Amount: $105
Enhanced the district-wide art show with funding for certificates, art supplies, and decorations.
Title: Bingham Farms STEM Night
School: Bingham Farms Elementary
Teacher: Cindy Blakely
Amount: $500
Funded multiple Robot Garage experiential stations to strengthen the students' knowledge and love for science.
School: Bingham Farms Elementary
Teacher: Cindy Blakely
Amount: $500
Funded multiple Robot Garage experiential stations to strengthen the students' knowledge and love for science.
Title: STEM Robotics State and World Championship
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Bernie Simms
Amount: $4,500
Assisted with entry fees and robot related purchases, allowing robotics students to advance from the State tournament and then compete in Houston, Texas against the 400 best robotics teams in the world.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Bernie Simms
Amount: $4,500
Assisted with entry fees and robot related purchases, allowing robotics students to advance from the State tournament and then compete in Houston, Texas against the 400 best robotics teams in the world.
Title: DECA International Career Development Conference Leadership and Career Readiness Development
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman
Amount: $1,545
Provided the opportunity for qualifying high school students to travel to Orlando, Florida and participate in international-level career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
School: Groves and Seaholm high schools
Teacher: Amy Bowman
Amount: $1,545
Provided the opportunity for qualifying high school students to travel to Orlando, Florida and participate in international-level career focused DECA competitions that prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
Title: Event Vests for BPS Resident Therapy Dogs
School: Beverly Elementary School
Teacher: Amy Palmer
Amount: $1,150
Funded matching vests for all of the beloved therapy dogs in the district to wear to school games, district events, and more.
School: Beverly Elementary School
Teacher: Amy Palmer
Amount: $1,150
Funded matching vests for all of the beloved therapy dogs in the district to wear to school games, district events, and more.